Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Photos of Joseph Thomas Bartucci Jr.

Joseph Thomas Bartucci Jr. The Greatest Story NEVER told.

Bartucci tells his story with vivid recollections of the incident.

Bartucci during an interview about his incident with Michael Jackson.

Bartucci's eyesight was affected due to the beating he received.  The back of his head was smashed into the concrete by one of Michael Jackson's body guards.  This was just one of the horrible acts that Bartucci had to relive in his re-telling of his story.
" I only have 5% of my vision remaining." Bartucci

Bartucci listening to the questions of the interviewers. 

Bartucci showing just how the body guard held him down in the car.  "He grabbed the front of my pants and underwear,  I couldn't move," Bartucci recalled. 


  1. Karma karma karma...get some mental help need it and it has nothing to do with michael jackson

  2. How do you even know until you have stepped into his shoes what he needs.

  3. Its Bullshit!!! I've known him 40 years.

  4. *reads about this dude’s fantasy abuse*
    *sees a picture of what he looks like*
    Ah yes…. It all makes sense now
